The House of Torment

Ellie Coulston, Online Writer

The House of Torment is an annual event in Austin. The House of Torment is a haunted house event that many students attend every year. It is held around 30 minutes away from Bowie High School and opens at 7:00 every night it is open.

“I go to The House of Torment every year because I love being scared and it is right around my birthday so I go as a birthday party. It’s really fun to go with friends and see all the houses,” sophomore Jenni Cootes said.

At the House of Torment there are different houses you can visit. Each house more scary than the previous one.

“I go to every house each year because I like seeing the differences between the houses and see if they are better than the ones they [the staff of House of Torment] made last year,” freshman Zofia Benford said.

Though, there are a lot of popular reviews of the House of Torment, some students dislike the event.

“I used to go to the House of Torment every year with my friend, but I don’t like being scared and I don’t like the staff dressed up as scary characters getting so close to me when waiting for the houses,” sophomore Riley Hughes.

The House of Torment started September 22 and ends November 11 and is held everyday till then.

“I wish that the House of Torment was longer because I always seem to be busy or not have a ride and run out of time to go until the very last possible second. If they held it a little bit longer or start it a little bit early I think that would be a good advancement on their part because they would get more business,” Benford said.

The House of Torment is not for everyone, but it is highly recommended by students who went previously.

“I definitely recommend going to The House of Torment because it is a really fun way to get in the Halloween spirit and also a really good way to be terrified with your friends,” Cootes said.