Student ID badges proposed

Cianna Chairez, Editor-in-Chief

With the recent topic of campus safety still fresh on the minds of students and staff, a new proposal is being addressed to increase security on campus. Assistant Principal Carla De La Rosa sent out an email to faculty last week proposing an initiative that would require all students on campus to wear a lanyard with their respective identification cards during school hours.

“As you know all staff are required to wear IDs, so they are identifiable as adults approved to be on campus,” principal Mark Robinson said. “After the Parkland shooting, a number of students and teachers came forward to ask about students wearing IDs as a sign to each other that they are Bowie students. Ms. De La Rosa’s committee will look at all aspects of students IDs, compare with other campuses, and develop draft guidelines a program.”

The ID badges would be used as a safety persuasion and hopefully would allow students to feel safer coming to school.

“I think the ID badges are a really good idea,” junior Terah Clemons said. “It doesn’t hurt to try them out. I would feel much safer coming to school if I knew Bowie was making an effort to keep students as safe as possible throughout the year.”

Despite the proposal not everyone is convinced ID badges  would do much as far as safety goes for the school.

“I personally think the badges would be pointless,” junior  Virgil Anchodo said. “Students would lose their badges and forget them. So many students go to Bowie as well, and trying to implement the use of badges would probably be more of a hassle than anything.”

A committee made of volunteers put together by De La Rosa will decide whether or not the initiative will pass for next year.

“We are able to issue all students an ID for functional purposes like checking out library books and off campus lunch,” Robinson said. “The committee will look at other uses for student IDs as well as issuing lanyards to students so the ID can be worn as a safety/security measure.”