The Star Wars Problem: The Last Story

Mo Orr, Online Editor-In-Chief

It’s true that The Last Jedi doesn’t quite bring back the action and drama of the originals. Although, it brings something entirely new to the table: a new vision. And for me, that vision worked well overall.

In fact, I enjoyed The Last Jedi to no end, and I believe it’ll remain my favorite of the trilogy. It had its comedic points, and as an audience member I knew when those times were. There were also specific points in the movie where things were serious, and some jokes were allowed to be thrown in there, and it worked extremely well as far as I’m concerned. Effects and visual appeal was amazing, and the music broke out more of an original score. The Last Jedi doesn’t follow the typical formula, and I won’t go into my small critiques, such as the handling of Kylo Ren’s character, the subplot of Canto Bight, and some other small things. But overall, those critiques didn’t harm the overall narrative that the script followed, in fact, it only makes me more curious for the next film.

However, as for the final installment of this trilogy, I do hope it can pull off a miracle. I hope it can be conclusive, as Star Wars doesn’t need more than what we’ve received- but I truly hope the next movie can wrap up the series in a way that can, at the very least, focus on the true lesson of Star Wars: Only a little love, hope, and loyalty goes a long way.

Consider reading the preceding review to this review!