New Bowie map

Mo Orr, Online Team Lead


Over nearly 30 years, James Bowie High School has gone through changes that have positively improved how Bowie runs. When it comes to our map of Bowie, administration found it was time for a revamp.


Teacher Judith Cooper’s seventh period Graphic Design 3 practicum class redesigned the new Bowie map, and was able to improve difficulties with the previous map.


“There was confusion with the older map and new students and parents coming in, it felt like it was time to revise and update the old map,” Cooper said.


This updated map is still being reworked and updated to include important information, such as the location of the clinic and defibrillators around the campus for medical reasons.


“We’re actively seeking input and revising what we’ve started. We just don’t want to make things so complicated that you can’t find what you need to find, but we definitely want the important things on there,” Cooper said. “We’re also talking about doing a traffic flow map, so that people understand the parking and the directions as you come into the campus.”


Susan Leos, the Assistant Principal here at Bowie, has been heavily involved in the updating of the Bowie map, and works to help keep the map accessible and easy to utilize.


“We’ve already had a lot of good feedback from teachers and staff, especially our new teachers… it’s already working,” Leos said.


Packets have been remade to contain the new map instead of the former map, and they have been used by visitors who have been coming into Bowie.


“This is a way that students can have voice in a process that wasn’t working very well in regard to visitors or new students coming here.” Leos said. “That’s our power here at Bowie, is our students, and their willingness to grow and learn and give things back for our community.”


The new Bowie map, redesigned and updated by Ms. Cooper’s 7th period Graphic Design Practicum class!