Children’s shows prepare to hit center stage

Alicia Molina, Assistant Online Editor

The first shows that theatre performed this year were the fall show block, Shakespeare comedies. The shows that the theatre is now preparing for are the children’s shows.

These shows are based on stories that children can relate to and enjoy. The shows that the theatre will be performing include 12 unique plays chosen by senior student directors.

“The children shows this year are The Fantastic Mr. Fox, Once Upon a Clothesline, Barrio Girl, Why Mosquitos Buzz, Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, Charlotte’s Webb, Monster in the Closet, Never Ending Story, The Lion Who Wouldn’t, The Transition of Doodle Pequeno, Pecos Bill and the Ghost Stampede, and Miss Electricity,” theatre director Kalyn Holloway said.

The directors for the shows are theatre students who are currently in theatre four, which is the highest level class offered on campus.

“The 12 directors are Jamie Godwin, Jameson Moore, Juliana Davis, Katy Jacobs, Chloe Arevalo, Grace Battle, Paige Bradbury, Benton Campbell, Jaelyn Galindo, Miguel Lozano, Katherine Nelon and Eryn Northcutt,” Holloway said.

Auditions for the shows took place in the drama room in front of these directors, so that students could be casted and start preparing for these shows. The auditions were held Tuesday, Oct. 20, with callbacks the following day. Over 120 students auditioned for these set of shows.

“Between one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty students auditioned, while about one hundred of those students got casted. Auditions were open to everybody,” Holloway said.

The shows will debut at separate times, a few shows a night, Nov. 12 through the 16. The following two days, Nov. 17 and 18, the productions will be touring around the Austin area for various elementary schools.

Some shows may be repeats of shows that have been performed in the past by senior directors.

“Some of them have been performed before, but at least four years have to pass before a director can do the same show again,” Holloway said. “They have to be every four years, so that the students aren’t casted in the same play more than once.”

After four years of dedicating time and effort, these upper level senior theatre students are making their debut as directors.

They will also receive the opportunity to direct another show in late spring, the senior one-act plays.