Social media damages teenagers minds

Rise and destruction of social media takes over the world in mobile form


Life would be less complex without social media. Social media dictates the lives of teenagers, which affects their day-to-day moods. Teenagers can’t grasp the concept that social media is always hovering above them. Social media is a risky element for us.

Years ago teenagers were not bound to something that could potentially harm them in the future. When scrolling through social media sites you can find that teens tend

to treat the internet as a free-for-all with no limitations. Obscene images and words can be found instantaneously.

Today’s teenagers face the same issues as previous teenagers, but unlike other generations, we must contend with reality that every thing we do is public record if we use social media.

Teenagers haven’t come to the realization that what comes around goes around pertains to the internet. In the future, interviewing for a career or applying for college, social media history could potentially cause issues.

The arrival of the latest and most troubling social media issue is sexting. Social media allows the power to spread damaging images or videos containing suggestive pornographic images.

Numerous stories have appeared in media displaying the corrupt idea of toying with another person’s online image and ruining their lives. These bully actions are causing an increase of suicide rates. These posts in some cases lead to suicide.

Teenagers are losing sleep due to the interrupting images and texts that are communicated via internet. During the middle of the night your cell phone lights up, as the notifications pour out.

On social media profiles people tend to create an unrealistic image by portraying themselves to look more content and attractive than in real life. According to “Time” magazine 76% of Americans said they believed their social media profiles made their image more appealing.

The number of likes on a photo creates a sense of panic for students. From a teenager’s perspective, less likes than desired generally lowers their self-esteem. This constant pressure of appearing better than others online is present.

Feeling worse about your life occurs more often when reading the personal accounts of others. In social media everyone expects other people to be flawless.

Some say that social media is a communication device, but I don’t think it is. Instead of talking face-to-face to someone we are using means of texting and other various forms instead of simply communicating. Social media is not a means of communication. When asking teenagers social media is a device to brag about their lives by posting.

Social media is directing us to a place where, in the future, people will be detached from each other.