Cross Country Results

Varsity and Junior Varsity girls teams won 1st place in their divisions in the Del Valle meet last Friday, and the boys Varsity and Junior Varsity teams placed 2nd at the meet.

The Varsity girls team were lead by Keely Penn, Paz Zisman, Isabel Rosales, Alisa Hoban, Taylor Stone and Victoria Saenz.

The Junior Varsity team was led by Carolyn Evans, Julie Faulkner, Paige Taylor, Lauren Stewman, Nicole Coots, Martha Allain, Walden Hagelman, Jade Sanchez Reyes, Nidhi Kuchimanchi, Courtney Huynh and Courtney Simonetti.

The boys Varisty team was lead by Chris Muyshondt, Victor Hernandez Rodriguez, Jason Hart, Michael Orlando, and Jordan Brittain. The Junior Varsity team top ten runners were Chad Bobbitt, Auggie Buerkle, Keegan Callahan, Travis David, Matt Genin, Dawson Warnken, Matt Sheftall, Nick Genin, Sebastian Badart and Nate Hull.

Join the Bowie Cross Country teams for their District Meet on October 18th.