Staff Goodbyes: Cara Andres

Cara Andres, Photo Essay Editor

I’ve probably been staring at my computer screen for a good twenty minutes now just trying to figure out a way to genuinely commemorate my high school experience and all the people apart of it. I don’t think I could truly put the depth of all of my profound moments into words. Throughout the span of four years, I’ve learned what it means to love, to lose, and to get back up. Most importantly, I’ve learned what it means to be young. I can’t say that these were the best four years of my life, but I’ll always look back on them with appreciation.

First off, I want to thank my Dispatch team for always making me feel so at home. Getting to know my staff at a more personal level this year has been such an amazing experience, and I’m forever grateful for all of their kind words and support. I want to thank Mr. Reeves for his endless generosity and his faith in giving me the position of Photo Essay Editor. At times I felt as if I didn’t even deserve to have this title, but I’m very proud of the content I’ve created and the people I’ve got to showcase through my photography and writing.

I want to thank all of my English teachers for shaping me into the person I’ve become today. Thank you Mrs. Wiedmeyer for emphasizing the importance of standing up against the patriarchy, thank you Mrs. Hebert for being the sweetest soul known to man, thank you Mr. Pfeiffer for blessing me with your never-ending insight, and thank you Ms. Rolfe for helping me recognize my creative potential.

Finally, I’d like to express my endless gratitude for my family and friends, since they’ve been by my side through it all. Thank you to my amazing sisters, Vicky and Camila, for always being at my side and helping me discover my worth. I’d also like to thank Bella Lufschanowski, Olivia Norman, Violet Glenewinkel, and Gabe Rodriguez for giving me so much love, care, support, and laughter. Last but not least, I’d like to thank my parents for everything they’ve provided and done for me.

Four years ago, I wrote myself a letter to open during my senior year. I still have yet to open it, but I remember writing something along the lines of hoping that I “have my sh*t together now.” Unfortunately, I can’t say that I entirely do, but I can say that I’ve grown immensely throughout these four years and I’m thrilled to see what the future has in store for me. As I head into the real world, I hope to expand my creative pursuits, seize any exciting opportunity, and truly discover who I am.