Logan Paul and content control

Kathleen Nguyen, Copy Editor

Introduced as a space where content creators can display their videos, Youtube, has been on the receiving end of the backlash for their authorization to allow Logan Paul to post a vlog depicting a dead body having committed suicide.

Since the video was uploaded, Logan Paul, has quickly become everyone’s favorite person to hate. He claimed the video demonstrated suicide awareness, however, prior to that video being released he had other vlogs depicting his time in Japan mocking the culture and disrespecting the local people.

He traveled to Aokigahara located at the bottom of Mt. Fuji in Japan. Infamously known as a prevalent suicide site, Aokigahara, has signs directing people feeling this way to turn back, seek help, and that suicide is not the answer.

Although he apologized later on for his video. The fact that he had the audacity to monetize and profit off his apology video is preposterous. The apology video came off fake and forced, like he was reading off a teleprompter. For example, he bragged about how he “gets views” and that wasn’t the reason he uploaded the dead body vlog. He never once included a suicide hotline or website where people experiencing this feeling could actually get help. He just cannot comprehend the effect of his actions and refuses to admit that he did this for the money and views instead of an actual cause.

The sad thing is that his fans are loyal to a fault and defend him even though he is clearly in the wrong. The fact that he had the nerve to record this occurrence then edit the video to create this “shock factor” to cater his audience to gain views and subscribers is utterly disgusting.

He is vile and deserves the hate he received from the video. This haze of money and greed has changed Youtube and doesn’t promote good content creators and only prioritizes trash videos. Until he can fully grasp the consequences of his actions, I believe that he should be banned from Youtube and producing content.