New tables in the hallways foster student community

SOCIAL RECHARGE: Juniors Simone Saiyed, Phil Brual, Mia Moore, and senior Sarah Baber do homework at one of the hallway tables. The tables also have the ability to charge various devices.

Preston Rolls

SOCIAL RECHARGE: Juniors Simone Saiyed, Phil Brual, Mia Moore, and senior Sarah Baber do homework at one of the hallway tables. The tables also have the ability to charge various devices.

Cianna Chairez, News Editor

Between the rapidly advancing technology and the distribution of Chromebooks, keeping electronics charged may become an issue for students. However, the district has found a solution to this problem.

AISD purchased tables for the hallways that allow for students to charge their devices before school, during lunch and after school.

“They will create opportunities for collaboration and flexible learning spaces, and the teachers can use them if they want to bring their class out into the hallways and do different types of teaching and learning,” management assistant Debby Theis said.

In addition to their charging qualities, the tables provide students more areas to sit and work in the hallway.

“It’s giving the students more options than just sitting on the floor. We have shortage of seating, so we wanted to give them more options,” Theis said.

These table came as a response to Bowie’s lack of seating areas around campus.

“This was an initiative from downtown, the Contract and Procurement Department contacted us and realized there was an issue with shortage of desks and seating,” Theis said. “That was their initiative. The funds did not come from Bowie, those came from the district.”

The tables are changing where students would normally eat their lunch, drawing them in with the benefits of being able to charge their electronics.

“I use the charging tables a lot because of my phone and laptop,” freshman Asia Griffith said. “I originally would have sat in the courtyard on the benches and ate with my friends.”

However, as the popularity grows for these tables, there is a demand for additional seating areas, given the campus’ large population.

“I use them pretty much every day before school and during lunch,” sophomore Collin Stoddard said. “More would be great because they’re normally crowded.”

Some students are concerned about other problems being fixed first, such as the heating and air conditioning system.

“We do put in work orders every day to take care of all of the issues we do have,” Thesis said. “Whenever they get out to fix them, they’ll fix them.”

In addition to the new seating in the academic hall, students would like to see an increase the number of these tables in other areas of Bowie.

“I wish they would put more tables in the cafeteria or the fine arts wing,” Stoddard said. “Other than that, I love them and I wish we could get more.”