Skipping Thanksgiving

Gigi Francis, Staff Writer

Halloween is over and you’re boxing up decorations. What is the next box you’re unboxing? Christmas? Wrong! It’s time people stop skipping Thanksgiving and start showing some appreciation to our November holiday. Just because there’s more music and decorations, people begin celebrating Christmas way before Thanksgiving is even over. There are many ways to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Every year when I went trick or treating as a kid, and even now, I always see people’s Christmas trees already put up during Halloween. And I understand that Christmas trees are pretty and fun to put up, but there are Thanksgiving decorations that you could put up as well. There are many cute decorations available like fall leaves, pumpkins, scarecrows, turkeys and candles that can get you in the Thanksgiving mood.

Halloween is in the end of October, Thanksgiving is at the end of November, Christmas is at the end of December. They each have their own month with plenty of time for each holiday to be celebrated. People don’t celebrate Easter before Valentine’s Day, so I don’t understand why some people celebrate Christmas before Thanksgiving. Holidays should be celebrated in the order they come. You can see Christmas everywhere way before December.

Starbucks always has their Christmas cookies and Christmas decorated cups in early November and while they are super cute and look delicious, there are so many cool ideas for Thanksgiving cookies, like turkeys, fall leaves, and even pumpkins. There are a lot of other seasonal activities being celebrated early too, like Christmas music. I understand Christmas music is really good and you only have one month to listen to it, but why isn’t anyone singing Thanksgiving songs? There are plenty of Thanksgiving moments to put in a song. There shouldn’t only be Christmas songs, that’s unfair to all the other holidays.

It’s not my place to tell people what to do and when, but in my personal opinion I believe people should wait to celebrate Christmas in December.

I love the christmas time too, hot cocoa, jolly music, hanging up decorations and presents under the tree but I think we should all enjoy the holidays during their time. It is respectful to wait until after Thanksgiving to start putting up Christmas trees and decorations. Of course it’s your own house and I can’t tell people what to do. But in my opinion, I feel like Thanksgiving is being overcast by a bigger holiday.