Chat with Nat: How can we achieve happiness?

Natalie Aman, Columnist

The definition of happiness is the state of feeling confidence or satisfaction towards a person, thing, or situation. True happiness is very achievable, but as high school students, we often forget to make our own happiness a priority because we are wrapped up in distractions.

I’m sure we all know what it’s like to feel as if the forces of the world are all bent against you, or like the world is simply crashing down on top of you. Balancing homework, extracurriculars, sleep, family time, and a social life can be a lot to focus on and as a result we often forget to prioritize our own mental health. And we aren’t allowing ourselves to have the best possible high school experience because we are constantly looking for something new to complain about.

Now it’s about time that we realize where fussing about the little things will get us – nowhere. So in order for us to turn our Pinterest dreams into our reality, there are a few things we should be doing more often.

Set goals for yourself. It doesn’t matter what kind – short term, long term, career, or personal – give yourself something to work towards.

It’s important to know that taking the time of day to focus on our accomplishments and set new goals can honestly make a world of difference. I’m not saying that you must set goals for every aspect of your life and dedicate your life to checking off a to do list. But even achieving short term goals gives us a sense of self worth and sets us on track to accomplish bigger things.

Spend a few extra minutes with your friends and family this week.

No matter how much stress your homework is piling on, set aside some time for you and your friends. Being social is so important for high schoolers. Getting too wrapped up in grades can cause way more stress than necessary. Set your focus on the people that mean most to you rather than things. And be sure to head to your favorite spot with your best friend and blow off some steam; it’s more beneficial than you think.

Try out a new workout routine.

Another thing people gain happiness from is physical activity. Even something as simple as a jog around the block can make our bodies feel better. We benefit from exercise in a number of ways that we may not even think of. Exercising improves our brain power, self image, and reduces stress. So the next time you feel a bit down in the dumps, a quick round of yoga or curl ups may guide you on your way to feeling better.

Get involved in extracurriculars.

Bowie has an insane amount of teams, clubs, and organizations to join, and that’s not mentioning the many options outside of school. You can’t always choose your school courses, so we don’t always have the motivation to do as well as we can in those classes. Giving yourself an extra activity to put your energy into can increase your happiness because you’re choosing something you enjoy to focus on.

It’s okay to feel negative or even miserable about something. Those emotions make us human. But as young, developing teenagers, we can’t let these emotions take over. Everyone has bad days, but if you find yourself unable to move past something, it’s time you face the problem head on and get past that roadblock.

Mind over matter, friends. You have the power to control the direction of your life, so why not choose the direction that’ll lead you to happiness.