Team 10 musical murder

Shelby Papst, Review Editor

It’s everyday bro. Every single day. As in you can’t go even one day without someone mentioning this awful song.

For a group who apparently can’t even count to ten based on the number of members they have, the fact that the release of “It’s Everyday Bro” by Jake Paul ft. Team 10 is drowning in dislikes is as unsurprising as Paul getting kicked off of his former-Disney Channel show.

The song was released on May 30 and is still being talked about because of the drama surrounding Paul, the leader of Team 10, and everything about the atrocious video as a whole.

Right away you are introduced to the fact that Paul can’t rap and the whole video only has the purpose of flaunting the group’s money.

Expensive cars take up the background of the video while the members stand around flashing their merch. It isn’t so much as bragging as it is cringey.

As far as the music in the video goes, a single repetitive beat is all it had through the entire three-minute rap.

The music in the back wasn’t that bad, but hearing the same beat over and over sounded dull after the first minute.

I don’t know if instruments could have improved the rap at all, but I would have liked to hear something else.

The only factor that made the song tolerable was how funny it was. While I would never find myself singing along, I could definitely find myself laughing at the video.

The choreography, if it can be called that, is just the members jumping up and down and I couldn’t take even one of them seriously.

Team 10 has lots of members, not consistent nor are there ten, that take turns rapping verses of the song. Each has their own style to add that is unique to the member.

They try and make the lyrics sound gangster, but in reality come off as funny, cringe-inducing, or end up as memes such as, “England is my city.”

Despite how terrible the song is, the video’s popularity is insane. Team 10 has a Youtube channel and most of the members also have their own separate channels.

I don’t watch Youtubers a lot and especially not Team 10, but even I heard about the song when it first came out and continue to hear about it even months later.

There aren’t many times I could say I hated music. Then, I listed to “It’s Everyday Bro” and I can say honestly I hated the song. Some people should not rap and this is a prime example.

I don’t know much about the members individually, but overall I think they should stick with being pretty and leave singing to people who actually know what they are doing.

I could go on about how they can’t dance, rap, sing, and ect. but I didn’t come here to bash them, I merely wanted to tell the truth. Both  just happen to be the same thing.

I give the video as a whole an F at best. While it was catchy, that’s all the rap had to offer. I would never listen to it on my own time and can hardly get through the first ten seconds let alone the whole thing.

The views on “It’s Everyday Bro” may be blowing up, but they only succeeded in blowing out were my eardrums.


Art by: Ashley Ramirez