A New Captain for Bowie JROTC

Marisa Salazar, Online Writer

Patriotism is a term that many people don’t understand the true definition of, but retired United States Air Force Captain Paul H. Hill is an excellent example of it. With over 30 years of experience, the dedication Hill has to his area of profession is clear along with a newfound respected position on the Bowie High School staff as the newest JROTC instructor. Hill received the payoff he got from being involved in such a historical occupation.

“We came from the army, so it goes all the way back from the founding of our country, and when you realize that there are individuals who have dedicated their life to preserving our freedoms and our Constitution and our way of life, it just fills you with pride and makes you want to do the best possible job you can,” Hill said.

Commitment and responsibility are important aspects in anything pursed; Hill believed this was especially important in the Air Force because part of what made missions so effective was how the teams worked together.

“Everyone has a job, and we all want to do it to the best of our ability, and because of that it is a lot different than working for a corporation, or owning your own business, because you like to think you are doing it for a higher good,” Hill said.

As an experienced flight commander and five year outstanding instructor, Hill’s career continued in the form of teaching JROTC students, which he said relaying his knowledge and seeing them succeed was the best thing he has taken from his job.

“The most important thing I’ve personally gained in the course of my career isn’t those five years of outstanding instructor, but the ten years I have watched young men and women in high school take a unit that was average and make it into something really distinguished and really outstanding, so my greatest reward is seeing them achieve,” Hill said.

Junior and JROTC student Gabe Vasquez explained the importance of Hill’s work in the Air Force and the precautionary manner at which he performed his duties, and how he expects this previous experience will be incorporated into the class.

“He was a defence pilot for bomber planes, if he messed up he could’ve cost live. It shows that he knows what he’s doing and is very eager to share what he know about the military,” Vasquez said.

Sophomore Cole Bird is in his second year of JROTC and very eager to be taught by Hill to hear his lessons and get his advice on how to further pursue a career in this area.

“I think the students will and already have responded extremely well. People are motivated to come to class and are excited to learn,” Bird said.

Hill is extremely excited about what he can bring to Bowie and how he can improve on the already fantastic JROTC program; he is determined to do big things in his time here by setting high goals and making the class more efficient and enjoyable.

“I want Bowie’s Junior ROTC to be one of the best Junior ROTC’s in the world, and I’m going to work as hard as I can to make that happen, and I don’t care if it’s a slow process or a medium fast process or a really fast process, but nothing is going to keep me from making that happen,” Hill said.