New teacher for theatre department is a win for all

Jadon Alvarez, Entertainment Editor

The tech crew and actors  of the Starlight Theatre Company are accustomed to a daily routine of hard work, putting their blood, sweat, and tears towards each and every performance. This year however, the new theatre director/teacher Cortney Hall’s ideas could change everything.

Although Hall might be a new director/teacher for the theatre students, Hall isn’t completely new to Bowie nor to the Starlight Theatre Company itself.

“I actually went to Bowie and I graduated from Bowie in 2013 and I love how ambitious the theatre program is,” Hall said.

Hall isn’t new to the teaching and the directing scene either, having a well versed knowledge of everything “theatre”.

“When I was student teaching at Crockett High School and Covington Middle School, I taught specifically Tech I, Tech II, and Theatre I and that was great,” Hall said. “I was in college and then of course you do shows in college and we made a thesis at the Texas State Camp. You create a whole show and direct it – all while putting it together in two weeks.”

Loving what she can contribute to the theatrical side of the company itself, The Starlight Theatre Company isn’t new to Hall either.

“I love Ms. Hall. Last year she came in and she was a guest director,” sophomore actress Saylor Dement said. “She directed a spring show and it was super funny and it was a really good show.”

The tech side of the company also loves Hall, feeling she knows more about the tech world of theatre than her predecessor.

“Having a new director in theater is great, especially tech and design wise, she has lots of new ideas that are different than what we’re used to. It’s interesting,” sophomore techie Julia Cabrera said.

The Starlight Theatre Company can agree that much hasn’t really changed since the announcement of their new teacher.

“Though she brings lots of ideas and concepts to the table, things haven’t changed much around the STC since last year,” Cabrera said. “That’s good enough, I feel like the company is in a good place.”

Dement does point out some differences though between Hall and their previous teacher; Kalyn Holloway.

“They’re kind of similar in some ways. However, Mrs. Holloway was very choreographed-based. She was our choreographer in the musical, and she helped choreograph everything,” Dement said. “I don’t know if Ms. Hall can choreograph and if she can that’s awesome. If she can’t… we’re going to continue to be in a little bit of a pickle.”

However, Dement is quick to point out that both her previous teacher and Hall are very fun people to work with.

“They both know a lot about tech and acting, so that’s a great thing. Both are very light-hearted people and very fun-spirited people to work with, so they are very similar in some aspects,” Dement said.

Many of the STC students hope to work with hall this year as well.

“I would really like to work in a show with her personally because I feel like she’s a good and talented director,” Dement said.

Many of the students also hope that they’ll be able to accomplish some personal goals with the company.

“Personally, this year I’d like to start organizing a portfolio to take to events like TETA, where I can meet schools and they can see my work,” Cabrera said. ”I’d take stuff like pictures and videos from shows I’ve designed here at Bowie.”

Hall also hopes to accomplish her goals with the Company this year too.

“The Starlight Theatre Company is killing it on its own and I just hope to recruit and grow the program and get kids creating, really just seeing what they come up with once they are given the tools to do so,” Hall said.

GET INTO PLACE: Cortney Hall makes her students run across the room into certain spots. The purpose of the game was to learn cues on stage. PHOTO BY Shelby Kelly