Fuaad Ajaz – senior goodbye

Fuaad Ajaz, Managing Editor

Senior year came by so fast, it feels like it was only a couple of weeks ago I was a freshman being offered fake maps of the school and being sprayed by vinegar. My high school years have had tons of high and low moments that have shaped me into the person I am today.

There are many friendships that I have made this year. Mikayla, my sister from another mister who is always with me and there for me, Angelica and Alex we will never escape TLC, I’ll see you guys on Saturday, my Lone Star Dispatch staff, there are too many of y’all to name but thank you for being fun on those late night deadlines (Babushka loves y’all!), and many more who I would name but can’t fit into this, you all know who you are. You all helped me make memories that i will cherish forever and carry on.

As for all adults on campus, there are so many of you guys. First off, Mr. Michael Reeves, thanks for dealing with me for four years. You have taught me everything I know about the journalism world. Mrs. Whitney Shumate, thank you for everything you have done for me and thank you for being a great YA Lit teacher. Mrs. Vicki Hebert, just thank you for everything ranging from cookie Fridays, to watching cat videos on your computer. Ms. Patricia Maney, thanks for coming to all of my adoption events and being a great Bowie Buddies sponsor. Ms. Kaylin Brett, fourth period was one of the best classes I had on my A-day’s junior year, so thank you, and also Beyhive buddies for life. Lastly, thank you Ms. Jennifer Mullins, thank you for all of the help with college and helping me find the right pathway. Thank you all. Thanks for the endless venting sessions, thank you for supporting me in everything I do, and thank you for believing in me because you all made high school memorable.

As I move onto a new chapter in my life I won’t forget memories I made, in Seattle and San Antonio, in room A212, room B218, at Huston-Tillotson, in YA Lit, in Street Law, on the day of the reverse lockdown, the day there was no running water, at Bulldogs and Hot dogs, and many more.