Rings Review

Gigi Francis, Staff Writer

“Rings” is movie directed by F. Javier Gutiérrez based off the older movie “The Ring” in 1998 directed by Hideo Nakata.


This horror film about a woman Julia, played by Matilda Lutz, who becomes scared of a video known to kill the viewer seven days after watching.


It was more of a story than a horror film. I am still not sure if it was supposed to be a horror film like the first, or they meant to have more background knowledge than actual horror.


The movie opens with an airplane seen where a man randomly brings up the videotape which, then escalates to insects flying around him and his death from the viewing the video. This was supposed to intrigue the viewers, but only made me want to leave the theater.


Julia’s boyfriend Holt, played by Alex Roe, watched the video and Julia is worried about him and wants to help him.


In “Rings,” the producers tried to show more of the background story rather than the horror film itself as the past “The Ring” movie did.


The new “Rings” wasn’t as scary, though there were some suspenseful moment or jumps scares. These jump scares didn’t add anything to the movie, and it lacked the horror from the past ones.


Those watching because they like the first one are wasting their time. I would not recommend this movie for anyone under the age of 15, because it still sends a message of demons and scary things to childrens.


This movie wasn’t received well with other viewers, receiving a six percent on Rotten Tomatoes.


Overall this movie wasn’t a great horror film, if I were to rate it on a scale of one to 10, it would be nearing a six.


The original “The Ring” had raw horror, but “Rings” consisted of fake scares in the moment unexpected scenes.