Supergirl Review

Kathleen Nguyen, In-Depth Editor

The new television show “Supergirl” is a spinoff series following the plotline of the infamous Superman. Supergirl revolves around protagonist Kara Zor-El.


At 12 years old, she was forced to escape from destruction on her home planet of Krypton.

When Kara arrives on Earth, she seeks protection with the Danver family.


Throughout the years, she grows up in the shadow of her foster sister Alex, and learns to hide the extraordinary powers she shares with her cousin, Superman.


Now an adult living in National City and working for media mogul Cat Grant, Kara finds her days of keeping her abilities a secret are over when super-secret agency head Hank Henshaw enlists her to help protect the city’s citizens from threats.


Finally coming into her own, Kara must juggle her new responsibilities with her very human relationships.


As a girl growing up in a world of Barbies and Bratz, superheroes were foreign to me. All my close family member were girls, and I never saw figurines of “Superman,” “Batman” or “Spider-Man.”


So when the show debuted on screens, I was immediately intrigued. I’ve always heard of Superman and loved that the show related to me as a girl.


This show features a strong female lead, something that is becoming more prominent on tv screens these days. The idea of portraying a female breaking out of the norm of old-fashioned domestic work is empowering to young children today.


This show lived up to it’s hype of displaying a strong female lead without her being bossy or controlling.