No Place for Hate

Sam McPherson, Staff Writer

The student body rallied together for the “No Place for Hate” anti-bullying campaign on March 9.


A variety of organizations decorated a float for the parade, including the Bowie Band, the Class of 2020 and Student Leadership.


“The annual parade is a celebration for all the ‘No Place for Hate’ ideals being represented on campus,” coach Vickie Benson said.


Casey Benson returns every year to get involved in “No Place for Hate” and speak to the students about his experiences with bullying.


“I had an alcoholic father who just beat on me and picked on me,” Benson said.


His encounters with bullies didn’t end at home, as school was also a discouraging place to be.


“I’d go to school and people would know that my life was different than everyone else’s,” Benson said. “They knew I had an drunk dad who was in and out of jail and they would mess with me and pick on me for that.”


Now, Benson says that those experiences have benefitted him and made him a stronger individual.


“My story motivates me to help the people are not taking of each other or helping one another,” Benson said.


Other students are motivated by Casey as well. Junior Matt Forrest has worked closely with him through Student Leadership.


“Casey is so passionate about making a difference, it’s inspiring,” Forrest said.


The students’ participation has also played a huge role in the effort to become a bully-free campus.

“I got involved because I really wanted to make a difference at Bowie. I thought this would be a fun way to bring awareness to the issue,” Forrest said.