Our great tree is worth saving

Ian Miller, Commentary Editor

Recently, as I’m sure most students have seen, activity has been happening around the giant tree in the courtyard. Cars are parking next to it all the time, and student leadership classes have been digging up most of the jasmine around the tree. The truth is, the tree is dying, and the school is trying its hardest to save it.

Unfortunately, the cost of saving this tree is not cheap. The school is investing a lot of money for the project. A student  named Jacob Wallace even set up a “Go Fund Me” page to raise awareness. The question is, is the money really worth spending to save the tree?

In my opinion, it’s absolutely worth the price to save it. This tree has a title of its own, it’s essential for our courtyard, and it hold the memories of many people.

If you ever look at the sign next to the tree, you’ll see that the tree is rated as the second best tree in Austin, Texas. That’s a pretty big title for a tree in a school courtyard. To have a tree as large as ours suddenly disappear would be a huge change, not only for the students of Bowie, but for the community around the school as well.

What would happen if the tree disappeared? Our courtyard would seem so much more empty. If you eat outside, you probably know there isn’t much shade aside from sitting underneath the two trees or from the canopies that connect the buildings. Taking the second best tree in Austin out of the courtyard is losing a lot of that shade that students rely on to sit outside.

This tree has been a part of Bowie since the first years that the school itself was built. From Homecoming dances to end-of-year graduations, this tree has been there for it all. To see it go would be like seeing a piece of Bowie itself leave. I’m sure many past-graduates can agree with me when I say that this tree needs to stay in Bowie.

There are ways you can help save this tree without being in an agricultural class or donating any money yourself. All you have to do is spread the word that the tree is sick and could use a little help. Spreading awareness for the tree is ultimately going to help it.

This tree really is worth saving, even if it will cost our school some money. It holds the memories of many past-graduates, and so many people are working hard to make sure this tree gets well again. It’s in everyone’s best benefits if our tree is saved.

Art by Ian Miller