AISD begins search for principal to take on permanent position

Madison Austin, Staff Writer

The offices are busy with students and teachers alike flowing in and out like ants fleeing from  an ant hill. On the precipice of getting a new principal, school staff are preparing for meetings with parents and teachers who want their voice to be heard. The school can expect to have a new “CEO” by the end of the school year.

The process is expected to take at least three months and the first step in the process took place on Jan. 31 with a meeting at Bowie with the faculty and staff. There that group spent time laying out criteria they want to see in the future principal.

The plan outlines that the next step will be to narrow  the field to about six candidates who will be presented to the superintendent, the chief schools officer, and the superintendent of high schools on March 27. The final decision will ultimately lie in the hands of the Board of Trustees.

“The associate superintendent for high schools and his team will interview the finalists and recommend a candidate for consideration by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on March 27,“ Campus Advisory Councils Co-Chair Brian Crow said.

On February 8, the vertical team principals, a representative from the Office of Human Resources, Dr. Thyrun Hurst, and  associate superintendent of high schools Craig Shapiro will screen for applicants who match the profile provided by the staff and community  and select  candidates to participate  in the interview process.

“The deep talent pool of experienced administrators already at JBHS enabled this optimal path, to provide the best academic and extracurricular environment for the students, faculty, staff and community for the 2016-17 academic year,” Crow said.

“The process for selecting a new principal that is the right fit for Bowie will include meeting with parents, students and faculty alike.

“Community members will be asked to give descriptions or traits that they feel are important,” Crow said. “At the conclusion of this input session, attendees will have an opportunity to rank the importance of the various attributes.”

Some parents have a lot to say about what they are looking for in someone who will enrich their children’s education.

“I want a principal who will hire excellent teachers that can relate to the students and make teaching interesting and I believe they should encourage teachers to continue their education with workshops, to strengthen their skills,” parent Deb Barbosa said.

In the absence of a principal, Susan Leos has taken the position of interim principal. Her position before becoming the interim principal was instructional administrator, where she planned professional development, was in charge of  the master schedule, and many other duties.

“I think that Ms. Leos has done a fabulous job as interim principal this year,” junior Brianna Garcia said. “She has made some great changes and has been present at many school events.”

Finding a new principal is not an easy task to take on, but those in charge are willing to put their time and effort into giving the Bowie community the best fit principal.

“I’m excited to meet this new principal, I hope that he or she is as excited as we are to meet them and show them our Bowie pride,” Garcia said.


Photo by: Caitlin Devlin