Fire Alarm Fiasco

Madison Austin, Online Writer

Fire alarms continued to go off for over an hour during third period and continuing into fourth. This disturbed class for over half the day. When students are in school they are expected to learn and absorb all the knowledge that they can, but when the environment that they are working in is not suitable how are they expected to learn?

Having the fire alarms go off continuously was a major inconvenience throughout my day. Half of my classes were disrupted in some way or another which is not okay.

The fire alarms going off displaced many classes and changed teachers scheldes, messing up the rest of the week for most. During my Chemistry class after the third alarm went off my teacher just gave up and took the whole class outside where we would not be distributed, and yet we still achieved almost nothing during that hour and half class. Which was very upsetting because we were learning a new topic.

The same goes for 4th period everyone one was so worried that the alarms  would go off again that the teacher never bothered to start anything because she was worried that she would be interrupted.Which hindered our learning and ability to learn.

This problem should and could have been resolved sooner rather than it disturbing class over and over again. The alarms continually not only disturbed the school but also the fire department , which is very unsafe, their jobs are so important what would have happened if they could not get to an actually fire on time because of the multiple false alarms at the school.  

Although the fire alarms were very disturbing and annoying at times. The incident was handled very well with information being given to students and teachers so that we knew what was going on. But missing almost a full day of classes? That was not great. We were behind the other classes and had to play catch up for most of the week. Having the  alarms continue to go off was a major inconvenience to the majority if the school.