Thoughts on Stranger Things

Darcy Kannerman, Assistant Commentary Editor

Netflix has recently released Stranger Things, a Netflix Original. Shortly after the release, Stranger Things became a very popular show. The creators (Matt Duffer, Ross Duffer) have already announced a second season in 2017, but no specific date has been confirmed.

I’d give Stranger Things a 4 out of 5 stars. The show is a dramatic, creepy, and thrilling tale that will keep you on your toes. The series did a great job of having the setting take place in the 80’s. If you like mystery, adventure, and the unknown, then Stranger Things is the perfect binge.

Will Byers is riding his bike back home at night after spending the day with his friends Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, and Lucas Sinclair. Suddenly, Will finds himself being chased by a monster. Will runs into his house and looks for his mom, Joyce Byers, and his brother, Jonathan Byers, but finds no one. The monster breaks into the house and Will is chased into the backyard. Then, Will is taken by the monster. In the morning the police set out on a search and find Will’s bike off the side of the road in the woods, but they aren’t able to trace Will’s whereabouts. Later that night, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas decide to go looking for Will in the forest. They stumble upon a girl running through the woods. They soon sneak her into Mike’s basement and begin to interrogate her. She tells them that her name is Eleven. From there, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas search and investigate to try and find Will with the help of their new friend Eleven.

In Stranger Things, their technology consisted of radios, televisions with antennas that they have to adjust, and big phones mounted on the wall. The clothes they wear are not trends from today’s current fashion statements. They wear big jackets, wire framed glasses with big lenses, and their hair is curly and big. The characters use words that we don’t usually use today like ‘rad’, ‘tubular’, and ‘no duh Sherlock’. The background music is very dated and has sounds that aren’t used in today’s music. Because the show is set in the 80’s, it interests many different people. Stranger Things appeals to older generations because they know how accurate the show’s portrayal of the 80’s is. Younger generations like to see how the older generation lived by watching Stranger Things.

I think the dynamic characters are interesting to watch as they unfold the mysterious disappearance of Will. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Eleven are very smart children who use unlikely resources to find Will. They end up getting farther than the police in their investigation. They know that there is more involved in the case than what meets the eye. However, I didn’t like that there weren’t very many plot twists throughout the series. Some of the episodes were very predictable.

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Art By Callie Richards

Stranger Things is perfect if you’re looking for thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The show is full of scientific theories and conspiracies that makes the show much more interesting. Through technology, beliefs, fashion, and music, Stranger Things portrays life in the 80s’ flawlessly.