Spanish Club Throws Annual Appreciation Party for Janitors

Greyson Hughes, Staff Writer

On the 11th of December the Spanish club hosts an appreciation party for custodians here at Bowie. The club has been working hard preparing for the party and they are all hoping to see that effort pay off.

  “I’m extremely proud of everyone,” club sponsor Irene Hidalgo said. “All the club members have contributed lots of time, money, and donations.”


   Hidalgo has been involved with the club for two years and is currently halfway through the second year and practically saved the Spanish club.


   “I initially got involved because there was not a sponsor and the students last year really wanted the club to be active and not end so they asked me to sponsor and I responded with yes definitely,” Hidalgo said.


    Hidalgo enjoys helping the Spanish club with the party and hopes to continue to support them in the future.


    All the members of the Spanish club are doing there best to prepare for the party.


   “The party is for all of the custodians,” Hidalgo said. “We chose them because they do so much for our campus and it would be good to take a little bit of time out of there day and help them get organized on campus and so we can enjoy each others company and so they feel appreciated.”


    The things Spanish club does is heartwarming and people enjoy what they do, and the custodians especially enjoy what they do.


    “Its nice doing this for the custodians,” Hidalgo said. “Having this lunch-in is an ongoing tradition that the spanish club has done, and we want to keep the tradition going and we want to show our appreciation to the custodians.”


     The growing of the club’s community helps them do more stuff like this every year.


     “We have done a couple of things for the teachers on campus and this spring we plan to do community events like helping clean up the school and going to national conventions,” Hidalgo said.


      One of the presidents of the club, Sahaj Mahn, meets with the club after school and helps prepare the events this club does.


     “The custodians make sure to clean the school all day without any appreciation from the students, so this is our way to give back,” Mahn said.


      Mahn is helping people by doing great things for campus and great things for custodians every year.

      “The chocolatada began about the same time spanish club started,” Mahn said. “We always prepared lunch and gifts for the custodians.”


       The generosity and kindness that Mahn has seen throughout this year is what he expects from the club in the future.


       “I help the club coordinate what they want to provide to the custodians and what goes to the custodians,” Hidalgo said.


        The supporters of the Spanish club and the members of the Spanish club met last Tuesday to continue the preparation of the party.


       “The party is just to show appreciation for our own community, our students, and our school,” Hidalgo said.


       Getting ready for this party is one of the most important times of the year for the club and the time and effort put into the club helps in conventions.


       “I’m extremely proud of everyone, all the club members have contributed lots of time, money, and donations,” Hidalgo said.


        The other activities this club does helps people in our community and help the students at bowie.


        “I help get all the surprises together and getting ready for the lunch in,” Hidalgo said.

        The great things that spanish club does is what AISD wants in there students clubs.

        “I expect them to still be thoughtful and thankful for all of our employees on campus and to do amazing things at our national convention,” Hidalgo said.


         The future is expected to be bright for the spanish club and all of the members and sponsors that help make what they do possible.