Dawgs sprint their way to regionals

Flournoy turns the corner as she finishes her 5k. Flournoy placed third at his meet with a time of 18:20. Flournoy has been the top girl’s varsity runner on the team all season.
October 26, 2015
Up at the crack of dawn, anxiously waiting at the start line in a crowd of 200+ girls for the gunman to shoot the gun and be able to start the race. BOOM!! The gun goes off and everyone is fighting for a position trying to lead the pack, elbows being thrown, girls falling and being trampled.
Senior Marissa Flournoy is the number one girl runner in both cross country and distance track running a 18:12 5k.
Flournoy has had multiple offers to D1 colleges to continue her career in track and cross country. She will be attending the University of Texas at Austin in the fall of 2016.
“Committing to the University of Texas has been something I have wanted and dreamed about for so long,” Flournoy said.
Head coach Rita Gonzales described Flournoy in three words: passionate, driven, and competitive.
“Marissa has developed into a very competitive and passionate runner throughout the years I remember her coming in as a freshman and now a senior enjoying the sport just as much if not more,” Gonzales said.
Flournoy has been asked multiple times as to why she joined cross country a sport where most people believe that all you do is run in circles but she begs to differ.
“Freshman year I participated in many different sports but nothing was as rewarding as suffering through a race alone and then winning and qualifying for the next level,” Flournoy said.
Although Marissa will continue her career as a student athlete she has encountered many obstacles throughout the way and will continue to be met with obstacles.
“I have overcome many physical obstacles throughout my four years of running at Bowie, but most importantly have overcome my lack of confidence in my running and my metal fear of not being good enough,” Flournoy said.
Flournoy’s favorite part about cross country is being able to be strong enough to overcome obstacles against all odds.
“My favorite part about cross country is competing and fishing to be the best I can be, I love testing my mental strength and having other great competitors that push my to my limits and farther than I thought I was capable of,” Flournoy said.
From freshman year to senior year Flournoy has always been on varsity slowing climbing to the top as top runner.
“The desire to compete at one of the top distance universities in the country fueled my desire to work harder and make the dream a reality,” Flournoy said.
Throughout her journey Flournoy has come to the realization that dreams have the ability to become reality through hard work.
“It means everything to me to be able to commit there because it has made me realize that hard work pays off and no dream is unattainable,” Flournoy said.
Flournoy is not the only runner who has benefited from cross country.
“Being in cross country throughout high school is something I wouldn’t ever trade, even though it’s a painful sport, it has made me much stronger physically and mentally, “ Senior Harper Hahn said.
For many cross country is more than just a sport it a family.
“My favorite experience ever in cross country is having a family outside of home. Our team is so close and inseparable, much more than other sports in my opinion,” Hahn said.
Winning the last four meets consecutively Gonzalez believes that this is one of the best years.
“They will be leaving us with an unforgettable year that will be that one that is going to be very hard to match in the future,” Gonzales said