Finals stretching limits and need to be changed

It is entirely unfair that as a student body our GPA can be crucially affected by taking one test.
Students are required to sit through a particular number of hours and classes during a school year. These hours include taking a test which all students dread known as the final exam. It is unfair that we are required to sit through lessons eight hours a day, for approximately 180 days a school year and can do well each of the six weeks they are present for and then have the possibility and worry of failing a semester due to one test.

It seems as if the older you get in high school the less likely it is that students should rely on teachers to create final reviews to refresh the classes’ memory on what they’ve learned.
Some teachers do offer reviews and briefly go over the information and reasoning behind it but there is a large percentage of teachers who will leave you with, “Go through your binder. You should have the information still,” as if every high school student has all of the papers they’ve received from each subject stored and well organized.

A percentage of driven teens stay awake until unnecessary and unhealthy hours of the night to finish the loads of homework they’ve been given or to study for one test that they are determined to do well on, yet can still suffer a lower GPA or semester average because of one test that crucially effects their grade by taking up 25 percent of it.

As a student body we are told both by our school and guardians not to let personal problems effect school work but it tends to be a common excuse.

If students must obtain information from up to 18 weeks back teachers should at least take their time to spend a week with the class to actually go over what the test will cover.  Even the students with straight A’s cannot always remember a lesson they learned weeks ago because they simply forgot or didn’t take interest in the subject.

If teachers don’t want to spend class time going over information because they have other lessons to teach, there should be handouts created covering past lessons or lectures that students may have lost.
The way final exams are run and put out have not proven to be fair and could be inaccurate of a student’s knowledge for many different reasons. If one day they are put together differently, or take up a smaller percentage of a person’s average.

I believe they could be far more accurate, necessary, and not as stressful for students.