Best of the best Silver Stars in Honolulu

Tough practices lead dancers to competitons at the University of Hawaii


All the “Best of the Best” silver stars lined up at The Secret Island. They made a trip to Hawaii for competition, and for a break from their regular routine. They visited multiple tourist attractions and natural landscapes over their spring break.

Among many other successes, Bowie Silver Stars are at it again winning Best of the Best at both McNeil and Stoney Point High School.

Practicing for this year proved to have many challenges for the stars because of weather conditions.
“We had a lot of obstacles going into our contests from all of the bad weather days,” Senior Cassidy Blalack said. “We really had to buckle down and work smarter, not harder.”

Though Stars have had to face challenges, they stuck it out and worked the best they could.
“Even though with each delay and day off we lost valuable practice time, we were only motivated to work that much harder,” Sophomore Megan Hauck said.

After long days of practice and hard work, it seems to have paid off when it came down to the list of solo finalists being posted.

“I was shocked when I heard that I was a finalist. It was nerve wrecking dancing in front of the entire competition, but hearing my team cheering behind me gave me confidence and allowed me to truly enjoy performing,” Hauck said.
Stars were rewarded with technique and precision awards, multiple choreography awards, and were even presented highest scored routine of the day along with a 500 dollar check.

“Pushing ourselves to our greatest potential is always something we strive for,” Sophomore Erin Ellis said. “We’re given the responsibility to hold, cherish, and succeed the legacy of this organization.”
Working together and pushing through the competition as a team turned out to be a success once again.
“It was nerve wrecking considering we had good competition but I knew we could pull through as a team,” Junior Micaela Jimenez said.

What’s a better way to spend your Spring Break than relaxing on the sweet islands of Hawaii?
Silver Stars were given the opportunity to take their skills states away.

“We are competing our three team dances at a competition held at the University of Hawaii, which is the main reason why we get the privilege to go on such a cool trip,” Junior Caroline Turnage said.

In order to attend this trip, you do not just have to have the moves and the motive. A lot of fundraising including selling chocolate bars, and raffle tickets was needed to raise the money.

“We did so many fundraisers to raise all of the money needed for the trip. It was crazy but definitely worth it,” Jimenez said.

Stars were not only excited to be competing in Hawaii, but to be spending quality time with team members as well.
“I was really excited to be spending time with my teammates outside of school,” Turnage said. “We truly get to see each other in a different light outside of Bowie.”