Seniors create many memorable “promposal” ideas

As April begins, more and more “Prom?” questions pop up on campus


Seniors Catherine Lee and Sterling Whitten pose with Randy Rogers after Whitten asked Lee to prom. Whitten wanted to make sure the way he asked Lee to prom was memorable and something that she could look back on.

As seniors are moving closer to their last days at Bowie High School, they are starting to prepare for their end of the year prom.
Senior students will be joining together on May 17, at the Palmer Event Center to experience their last sentimental event of their high school career before their graduation day.

“A couple of days ago Sterling [Whitten] asked me if I wanted to go to the Randy Rogers Band concert along with backstage passes to meet him,” senior Catherine Lee said. “He had been pushing me to listen to the song ‘Kiss Me in the Dark’ but I never got the hint.”
Searching for ways to make a special event even more unique, the Randy Rogers’ Band was a good opportunity to purpose the question.

“My mom and I were thinking of ways that we could make it as memorable promposal,” Austin High senior Sterling Whitten said.
With the song ‘Kiss Me in the Dark’ being one of Randy Rogers’ biggest hits, it was a good fit for the occasion.
“I called the printing company and asked them to print a sign saying ‘Kiss Me in the Dark at prom,’” Whitten said. “When she turned the corner she looked around aimlessly until someone told her to read the sign.”

As the event is moving closer, students are getting more excited, anxious and are ready to celebrate the special night.
“I’m really looking forward to dressing up, having dinner, and getting to spend this time with Sterling,” Lee said. “He’s my high school sweetheart.”

With prom being such a momentous and touching night, some students work hard to come up with ideas of affectionate ways to ask their date to make a good memory.

“It’s my first time going to prom so I wanted to do something that Catherine could look back on and I think this was a good way to do it,” Whitten said.

Though prom is still a few months away and some have already been asked to the event, others are in the stage of planning promposals and looking forward to what the night will bring.

“I’m honestly pretty nervous but also excited to see how my prom goes down,” senior Demitri Rodriguez said. “What I’m looking forward to is having a great time with my friends and have a memorable night.”