Queens Gambit


Lucciana Choueiry, Reporter

The 2020 coming of age drama titled Queen’s Gambit unexpectedly hit Netflix’s global headlines this October. It sprouted from the 1983 Walter Tevis novel that revolves around the story of an orphan who develops this passion for the game and becomes a chess prodigy. 


Upon its release, the show didn’t seem very appealing as it revolved around chess,  a game few play and very little comprehend, however this seven-part series tackles themes of love, hard work, passion, and addiction, ideologies that are very relatable for anyone and everyone. Beth Harmon as a child, played by Isla Johnston, is sent to a home for young girls where she gets acquainted with young Jolene, acted by Moses Ingraham. It is there that she is first introduced to tranquilizers, greenish-blue pills that help her visualize her chess plays better, and her first signs of addiction start coming into play. It is also at Methuen Home for Girls in Kentucky that the audience encounters two characters that play a major role in the film and in Beth Harmon’s career/life: Mr. Shaibel (Bill Camp) the janitor and Alma (Marielle Heller) the woman who becomes her adoptive mother. Both characters help Harmon with her future chess tournaments, love interests, and life in general. Through Beth Harmon’s experiences with trauma, death and addiction sprouted a chess champion that would take on the world but that is not without several obstacles and complications that slow her down. 


 Actress Anya Taylor-Joy took on the role of teenage/adult Beth and definitely embodied the character to its full capacity. She showcased all the hardships and successes of the female chess player so intricately and made sure to deliver her role very realistically.


The audience demographic can be anyone starting the age of 17, as the series addresses very real and harmful topics that only mature minds will be able to grasp. 


It deserves a 9/10 rating for the great work of producer Allan Scott and director Scott Frank, who both played a huge role in executing the show and including real-world problems that are relatable to the audience.


This compelling drama gives a refreshing and new outlook on the world of chess and the impact addiction can have on one’s life. It is a must-watch for all people in the specified age demographic because not only is it great entertainment but it is also enlightening.