Duran launches daily student blog called “Serendipity”


Duran has been blogging since January 2, 2014 publicly, although before her blog went public, she claims she had her own personal blog.

Serendipity noun: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. According to senior Rebecca Duran, the best things in life are when they are unexpected. Duran shares all of her serendipitous moments on her online blog “Serendipity.”
Youtuber Nikki Philippi posts videos daily about anything from healthy habits to relationship advice. Philippi has become an inspiration to many individuals including senior Rebecca Duran.
Duran, also known as “Becca” has been watching Nikki Philippi for years now. Coping with the hardships high school brings to every student, Duran claims it is Nikki Philippi who has helped her grow, cope and change her views and aspects on life and completely transformed her into who she is today.
“She definitely inspired me, I just wanted to be able to create something that could effect people the way that she affected me not to mention I love to write which is why I decided to go with a blog,” Duran said.
Duran has taken the tips and advice that she has accumulated over the years and turned it into a daily blog known as “Serendipity”.
The blog launched on January 2nd, 2014 and has been up and running daily since.
In two weeks, Duran’s blog peaked at 7000 views and counting. The blog can be found at www.rebeccanoel.blogspot.com.
Duran claims that her blog is a way for her to document and share her life on-line, virtually, not only for her personal enrichment but to share her views and beliefs with the world around her.
“I just have a lot of thoughts, there’s things in everyday life that inspires me or just little things that make me really happy and I just want to write about them and share them with other people and see if they share my love for something or maybe even open up a new perspective for something,” Duran said.
Duran posts real life situations. Everything she posts has personally occurred to her and she has experienced them at a personal level.  One of her most popular posts “Feminists rant 1” posted on January 7th, 2014, has reached many girls on campus.
“The feminist rant post mainly helped me to realize that us teenage girls are always in this together,” junior Caroline Turnage said. “There isn’t one thing that one of us has gone through that another girl hasn’t experienced in some form or another.”
As a high school student, almost every girl can relate to the hardships of relationships and dating. Having suffered from a traumatic breakup herself, Duran’s posts stands as a way to empower girls of all ages.
“I’ll be honest, the posts definitely stems from personal relationships. This past year I grew up lot and kind of began to see the world through more mature eyes and having experienced what I have experienced, at no point do we [girls] have to let anybody besides ourselves decide how we are going to live our lives,” Duran said.
Duran has spread the word about her blog through social media such as Pinterest as well as mentioning the word to her fellow dance teammates here on campus. The blog continues to inspire students from all grades.