Virtual spirit week

Kaitlyn Zellner, Online Editor In Chief

In hopes of boosting student morale during this weird time of virtual learning, newspaper advisor Michael Reeves has launched a virtual spirit week for the first week back after the long break. Classes will resume on the sixth and will be held on Zoom.

The four day week will be divided into A and B days. Monday and Wednesday’s are A days, and Tuesdays and Thursday’s are B days. Each class will last 45 minutes with small breaks in between. First/fifth period will go from 10:00-10:45. Second/sixth will go from 11:00-11:45. Then there will be time for lunch 11:45-12:30. Third/seventh will go from 12:45-1:30. Fourth/eighth will go from 1:45-2:30. In addition to regular classes there is also designated time for virtual office hours, 9:00-10:00 and 2:30-3:30. Regular classes will not be held on Friday but instead there will be time for meetings 9:00-12:00 and parent sessions, grading, and planning will happen 1:00-4:30.

For the spirit weeks we will spend four days making the most of bad situation. On Monday students will dress up in as much blue as they can! The blue out was chosen to support health care professionals and honor all they do during this pandemic. On Tuesday students will dress up as their favorite superhero! On Wednesday students should wear a jersey from their favorite sports team! On Thursday students should wear a shirt from their favorite school club or organization. Mandatory classes are not held on Friday but students are encouraged to wear Bowie school colors, red and black.

We encourage students to send in their photos to our instagram @jbhs_dispatch or they can use the hashtag “bowiepride”. You can also send your photos to any member of The Dispatch staff.