Comic Convention brings the TV sensation Walking Dead to life


Thousands of comics stacked for Comic Convention TV show stars and character impersonators seen all over the convention

Doctor Who and The Walking Dead are both extremely popular television shows, airing on the BBC, and AMC, respectively. Both have very passionate fan bases, Whovians and Walkers alike were delighted by this years Wizard World Austin Comic Con.
Wizard World Comic Con regularly has a loose theme associated with each year. For example, in 2011, the theme was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, hosting actors such as Julie Benz, Charisma Carpenter, and Juliet Landau. 2012 hosted a number of Star Trek actors, like LeVar Burton and Patrick Stewart. This year, however, The Walking Dead was the series of interest.
“I love The Walking Dead because it combines violence, and a heart-wrenching story of a family that came together in a time of need,” freshman Caroline Jacaman said.
The Walking Dead, featuring Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, Laurie Holden, and many other actors, have been reeling in viewers with their critical acclaim for four seasons.
“I’d say Daryl is my favorite character because of his smarts and cunning bow skills,” Jacaman said. “But he’s weak with emotions, which makes him as vulnerable to humans as he is to zombies.”
The Walking Dead wasn’t the only attention-grabber of this year’s convention, though. Doctor Who managed to take an important place, as well.
Doctor Who celebrated its golden anniversary, 50 years, on Nov. 23, as the classic series began in 1963. A dozen men, from William Hartnell to Peter Capaldi have portrayed the well-known Doctor. Additionally, fifty actors and actresses have portrayed his companions.
“I saw it in 3D at the Cinemark in South Park Meadows,” freshman Hannah Casey said. “I had been waiting to watch it for so long. I kept hearing about it a lot, so I was really excited about going to see it, not only in the theater, but in 3D, too.”
To celebrate, Steven Moffat wrote a 76-minute long special, directed by Nick Hurran. This special, which welcomed back beloved past incarnations of the title character, was shown as it aired at the convention.
The airing was a packed event, filled with fans dressed as companions, various creatures, and anything concerning the show in between.
“I really enjoyed the costumes,” freshman Erik Rhodes said. “In many of them, you could see the intricacies, the amount of time that had obviously gone into them. I particularly liked the different interpretations of the Joker.”
Always a successful event, Wizard World Comic Con in Austin, as well as all over the country, continues to draw in thousands of fan girls, fan boys, cos-players, and comic-lovers annually. Their next Austin event is scheduled for Thursday Oct. 2, 2014 through Saturday Oct. 4, 2014.