What are the ID’s actually doing?
Seen above is the James Bowie ID that students have been required to wear this year.
December 11, 2018
Many schools have been dealing with people breaking in. It is very easy for people to walk into a school and do whatever. Bowie has made new IDs for the students so they know who everyone is, but I don’t think it’s very helpful.
I don’t think the ID’s are helping our school. When we wear them, teachers and staff don’t check the actual ID, they just look to see if you have it and it could easily be someone else and they won’t know.
When students get their IDs, they just put it on their backpack, they don’t even wear them. Sometimes you can’t even see the ID, so it doesn’t make a difference of them having the ID.
To add onto that, some students don’t even wear their IDs and teachers don’t say anything. To be honest, I forgot to wear my ID for a whole school day and not one teacher said anything about it. If the Bowie staff is going to make us wear IDs then they should at least check if we’re wearing them.
I believe that if we’re going to enforce these IDs then we should add more to them. We should have the doors locked and only the ID’s can open them, like a scanner. Bowie is working on adding more to the ID’s, but for the time being, there is still a good chance someone can get into our school with a weapon.
I think the IDs should not have been enforced until they made them useful, like opening locked doors. I think the school should have waited a while and made the IDs perfect and will 100% ensure our safety.
I don’t feel safe at Bowie, even with the IDs. I always feel like someone could easily walk through the doors and shoot the school. If I could help the administration design something for Bowie, I would. Safety at Bowie is high right now, but some things could be changed to make it even safer, like locking more doors.
Do you really feel safe at Bowie? Do you think no one can come in and do something? Because if you do you’re wrong. Even high-tech schools can have someone break in and possibly shoot up the school.
Other students think they’re perfectly safe at Bowie and that’s their opinion. Some students feel like the IDs had a big impact on our safety. When people say that they feel 100% safe at a school, I think they’re lying. There has been multiple shooting around Bowie and I think every student has worried about that happening at Bowie. Not every school is going to be “attack free.”
When I see an adult walking around, I don’t instantly check their IDs.I don’t do that with students either. I feel that no one should be able to get into the school in the first place but there is a chance. Some of the front doors are unlocked so someone could walk in with a fake student ID and do whatever they want practically.
If we’re going to enforce these IDs, make them useful and make the staff actually check to see if we have them on. Many students don’t wear their IDs, and it doesn’t make sense to have them if no one will wear them. I think Bowie could be safer than it is currently.