Battery recycling program at Bowie
Pictured above is science teacher Aaron Bryant holding up the current collection of batteries that the program has in use.
April 5, 2018
Science teacher Aaron Bryant started a battery recycling program out of his room. He feels that it is a good idea and will benefit us in the long term. The program just started and so far there are only two five gallon buckets although Bryant has high hopes the program grows.
“Right now there are just the buckets in my room but I do hope we can have about four around the school especially in the office,” Bryant said.
Battery recycling hasn’t been popular for very long, but Bryant has been thinking about the program for about 5 years.
“I reached out to the city about the program but at that time they didn’t have the personnel to help me start it, since then they have agreed to help me start it,” said Bryant.
The program should deliver long lasting positive habits on the soon to be adults that go to Bowie.
“People don’t want to do the work which is the problem with recycling right now. I believe that your generation is the one that has to do something because selfish adults haven’t been working to recycle,” Bryant said.
The ultimate goal is to make high school students more environmentally conscious because that is the only way to save the planet is to start now or else it will be too late.
“One of the most brilliant people Stephen Hawking passed away and said unless we figure out how to get to another planet because we have already screwed up and we are doomed so we need to take better care,” said Bryant. “Selfish adults don’t care. Our kids need to take a stand and do the right thing.”
The program can also benefit the school because of the amount of batteries the campus uses.
“We have tons of calculators that aren’t rechargeable and tons of batteries that just get thrown away, “Bryant said. “Battery charging is becoming more prevalent and the last time i check they had them in libraries and people should be more conscious someone has to get correct mindset.”
Bryant also wants students to recognize how easy it is to recycle and that he has everything set up already.
“The city takes them and sorts them out. They send them to recycling center,” said Bryant. “As long as students put batteries in the buckets the city will send a guy to pick them up here.”
If you want to take care of your campus and your planet, you can start at Aaron Bryant’s room. Bryant is also looking for graphic design students who would be interested in running an “ad campaign” to raise awareness around campus, if you are interested visit him in his room F222.