Bowie Indoor Festival

Wearing their costumes, Bowie’s Color Guard team gathers for a picture at their Annual Indoor Festival. Photo from- @BowieGuard on Instagram
February 11, 2018
On January 27th and January 28th Bowie Band hosted the annual Indoor Festival here on the Bowie campus. There were about about 60 Color Guard teams participating Saturday, including our own two Color Guard teams.
“The indoor festival is a competition that the Bowie color guard hosts here at bowie. I personally helped set up and clean up. I also performed with the bowie color guard,” sophomore Audrey Vera said.
Bowie’s Color Guard performed at the festival, and many team members agree that it was their favorite part.
“The best part of the festival was performing and meeting new people from other color guards, there wasn’t anything bad parts about the festival,” Vera said.
“The best part was getting to perform in our own gym, because it feels more like home, and the worst part of the festival was probably having to clean up afterwards after a long day,” senior Catherine Cardenas said.
The Bowie Color Guard has a very tight-knit relationship, and many of the team have become very close.
“We work well together because we spend a lot of time together and we are a family,” Vera said.
“Our team is very close and supportive of each other, which is vital to the functioning of our team,” Cardenas said.
The color guard coach, Joseph Powell, has shaped the team into a well-functioning machine and have made them an award winning group.
“Our coaches are very helpful and supportive, but also tough. they help us keep calm when the pressure and anxiety is really intense right before a performance,” Cardenas said.