Christmas before Thanksgiving
November 8, 2017
Thanksgiving and Christmas have been holding a dispute between them for basically forever. Half the population thinks we should bask in the Thanksgiving holiday and enjoy the fall weather with the big courses of food and watching football. The other half of the population believes that we should live in the state of Christmas for two months and enjoy the hot chocolate and decorations and the decorations that light up the whole block. Then there are a few people who are neutral, but they are irrelevant. I am the half of the population that thinks we should fall straight into Christmas and live in the flawless period of time where everyone is jolly and gives gifts the the people we love.
I heard the quote “It is Christmas now, and Thanksgiving is just a lunch break.” I relate this on a spiritual level. I love Christmas too much to be worrying about Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is boring because the most common thing to do during it is eat and watch football, do that on the weekend and then the Thanksgiving craving is gone. Also Thanksgiving is one day, and AISD has recently taken off a couple days from Christmas break and moved it the part of Thanksgiving break. Christmas break deserves longer because- 1. It is better than Christmas, plain and simple, and 2. Christmas break includes New Years which is another big event that deserves more praise.
Christmas is perfect because it is all cold and I can get snug by the fire and drink hot chocolate. I can eat candy canes and go to Christmas parties. I can set up my decorations and buy a christmas tree. I can hang out with my family and show my love through presents.
I can go sledding and play in the snow (kind of- because it is Texas). I can make Christmas foods and gingerbread houses. I can dress in warm clothes and travel for a long period of time. I can listen to Christmas songs on my way home from the Trail of Lights.
During thanksgiving I can eat food with family. I can watch football and rake leaves from my dead trees in my yard. I can watch a parade of the TV and I can go to Black friday (which last year killed 10 people and had reported 105 injures).
Christmas has so many more things you can do and experience, but Thanksgiving has around 6 things you can do. Also, Christmas is bigger than Thanksgiving, which I think gives it the right to overpower the aura of Thanksgiving.
If this isn’t evidence enough that Thanksgiving should be overlooked by Christmas, I don’t know what will ever convince you. To see if my information is correct, go check out our poll about whether or not November means Thanksgiving or if it means Christmas.