New iPhone 8
October 6, 2017
The new iPhone 8 was released September 22. After tons of discussion of rumors and gossip over the new updates, we finally have someone to either confirm or deny them.
“I got the new IPhone 8 because my phone [iPhone 7] has been broken for a while and my parents thought it was time to upgrade and because the new phone was coming out I chose to get that one,” sophomore Kamryn Morales said.
There are a few similarities and differences between the old phones released by apple and the new phone.
“The new and old phone are pretty similar in structure, but the iPhone 8 is a lot faster than the previous phones released by apple. Also, the camera on the iPhone 8 is much better and faster and never really lags,” Morales said.
On the same topic of the new camera, there are other new updates, making the pictures more crisp.
“The new camera is so good compared to the old cameras on the old phones. The picture comes out looking more professional and with much better quality. The camera works really well for profile pictures and up close pictures,” Morales said.
Though not all of the updates are all wonderful, according to sophomore Julia Provenzi.
“I like the new phone a lot, and I definitely recommend it to other apple users, but its not all amazing. I don’t have a phone case yet and the back of the phone is now glass. I am so scared that I am going to break it.
Provenzi is not the only student that feels this way about the back of the phone.
“I dislike the glass-back because I already scratch and crack my phones easily and now that I have the opportunity to break both sides, I’m pretty sure I will,” Morales said.
The new phone still has the same structure as the seven, which still carries conflict for apple users.
“If i could change anything about the new iPhone, I would go back to the i
Phone 6 design because I still dislike not having a headphone jack. There are solutions to the headphone jack like buying a product that allows you to plug in your charger and headphones at the same time, but that seems like a waste to me. Also, I feel like I am still prone to losing the bluetooth headphones,” Morales said.
Overall, the reviews of the new phone has good reviews from the users.
“I like the new upgrades a lot because I feel they all serve a relativity useful purpose instead of just being flashy,” Morales said.