Jolie Francis – senior goodbye

Jolie Francis, Staff Writer

This year marks the end of an era for me. The era that played a crucial rule into shaping me into the person that I am today. And after this I will be gone to Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, majoring in Urban Studies. From the clubs I joined, to the teams I was a part of, I wouldn’t want to go back and change a thing about the life I involved myself in at Bowie High School.


My time on the Bowie Tennis Team was interesting to say the least. Some of my closest friends have come from my high school tennis team, and it hurts to have to leave them and go our separate ways, but I have other things to take away from being on that team. My close knit team and my experiences taught me to be brave and work hard, helping me to become determined and strong headed.


My closest friends came from out of nowhere. Obviously I have to mention Ciara Cera and Caleb Newton because you can’t name a more iconic trio than us. I want to thank them for befriending me when I was in my awkward phase and for helping me experience life and create memories that matter. They helped me find myself and then be confident with who I am, so thanks y’all.


Many important teachers, Mrs. Hebert, Mrs. Floyd, and yes, even Mr. Reeves, have helped me to find my interests. Mrs. Hebert helped me find my enjoyment of creating stories and poetry and overall is such an amazing and kind lady, helping me during junior year and onwards. Mrs. Floyd helped me realize that government isn’t boring at all, but that it’s something that makes me think and draws intense emotions from me. And Mr. Reeves, who I had my freshman year and now again my senior year. I was put onto the Newspaper staff mostly by chance, but I’m very grateful that it happened. This opportunity helped me realize another one of my interests, writing stories.


So thank you Bowie, and to all the people who are there. I hope to keep these memories as I grow up and move onto to the next chapter of my life. Don’t forget me, because I won’t forget you.