Climate change impacts world
December 1, 2016
The change in global climate is a highly controversial topic in today’s society. For those who are unaware, climate change is the rapid rise in global temperatures. Those who accept climate change argue that it is caused by an the emission of carbon dioxide and other such gases into the atmosphere. Those who deny climate change contend that temperatures across the globe are not increasing, and instead they claim that the temperature rise is slowing down. However, this claim has been disproved.
The reason climate change occurs is because air pollutants and greenhouse gases linger in the atmosphere for hundreds of years after they are emitted. These pollutants trap heat in and cause our planet to become hotter.
Global Warming in an ongoing crisis that today’s society needs to accept. The heat trapping pollution that humans are creating is leading to the change of Earth’s climate, and if not stopped the atmosphere of earth will continue to deteriorate. For many people this may not be a concern, however for the well-being of future generations, an active effort must be made to preserve the earth and its atmosphere.
In recent years, due to the use of advanced technology there has been a rise in the amount of energy used. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, 15 out of 16 of the hottest years, in NASA’s record, have occurred since 2000. The council projects that the continued use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases is the root cause to the dilemma that is climate change.
Often many people are unaware of the detrimental effects of the very objects or machines they use in their everyday lives. The Natural Resources Defense Council states that excessive use of resources has become a great factor in causing climate change.
As stated by the Natural Resources Defense Council, in the United States the highest source of pollution comes from burning fossil fuels which are used to meet our need for electricity. The second highest source comes from the carbon that is emitted from our transportation vehicles.
These forms of pollution contribute to the heating of the earth and in effect cause the melting of glaciers, droughts, rising sea levels, heat waves, flooding, habitat disruption, allergies, asthma, and even outbreaks of dangerous diseases, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
The Union of Concerned Scientists also addresses that the melting of glaciers causes sea levels to rise, and in third world countries where the only water source is natural water the rise in sea levels can have a dangerous impact. Most of the results of climate change come hand in hand with each other, and therefore make climate change all the more dangerous.
Most people think of global warming as a problem that is too difficult to solve, however we can come together as a society and find ways to reduce the release of gases that are toxic to the atmosphere. Simple ways to start helping the environment are carpooling, using public transportation, obtaining energy through the use of solar panels, and purchasing energy efficient products.
Larger scale solutions that involve the government include stopping deforestation and helping developing countries and undeveloped countries to build sustainable cities. This will lead to the use of efficient energy and reduce the amount of heat trapping emissions in the atmosphere.
As the years go by, more and more consequences of carbon emission and pollution are surfaced by scientists. Recognizing the ongoing crisis of climate change and finding working solutions to diminish the problem will allow for the preservation of earth and will sustain life on our planet for future generations.