A day in the life of senior Mikayla Myles
November 4, 2016
Running, sweating, and aiding their team. The job of a football trainer is a very important part of any football game. Many see football trainers running on the field to aid hurt players or providing water. Varsity football trainer, senior Mikayla Lyles knows the importance of her job.
This is may be Lyles first year as a trainer but she has learned everything with ease.
“It was really easy to learn my job as a trainer,” Lyles said. “It helps that we have returning trainers from previous years to help us new trainers whenever we have a question or get stuck but I enjoy every minute of it.”
Lyles is required to follow certain rules as a football trainer.
“I have to wear appropriate clothing to practice, I have to show up to practice two days a week, and, just like the player, I have to maintain good grades and pass all my classes,” Lyles said.
There are many tasks a trainer needs in order to succeed at the job.
“I fill up water cows, take them to the practice fields, and disperse them out on the track,” Lyles said. “The other trainers and I are also responsible for one water crate.”
In order to work as a team all the trainers need to have a good relationship.
“Even if you have your differences outside of school, you don’t have to be friends, but you do have to work together and be professional,” Lyles said.
As a football trainer, Lyles must act a certain way during practice and games.
“I have to be professional at all times,” Lyles said. “I can’t just sit there on my phone and have long conversations with the football boys it will distract them.”
Junior varsity football player Alex Brennan-Farris appreciates what the trainers do.
“Majority of the football players definitely appreciate the trainers but also respect them because, after all, they are the ones taking care of us when we need it most,” Farris said.
The football trainers and players have a mutual respect for one another.
“The football players respect the other trainers and I,” Lyles said. “They always say thank you and show their manners. We as trainers also respect the football boys and respect that they put in a lot of work to better themselves.”
Senior varsity football player Ronnie Garcia thinks that games would be different without the trainers.
“The trainers are a major part of our team, the things they do off the field help us perform better on the field in more way then one,” Garcia said. Without them we wouldn’t have the help we need.”
Even though being a football trainer requires a lot of work Lyles enjoys her time as a varsity football trainer.

“What I like most about being a trainer is being able to help people, going to football games, meeting new people, and creating memories with the team,” Lyles said. “ These are the memories that I hope I remember the most after graduating from school.