Isabel Rosales

Athletics Editor 2015-2016

After four years at Bowie High School I’ve learned so much and could honestly say I have made memories I won’t forget.

My first day of freshman year I remember walking through the doors being handed my schedule scrambling to find all my class, lost in a sea of people and just trying to find a familiar face. No doubt it’s been a bumpy road, some days I just wanted to graduate and get out and others I just enjoyed being a kid but here in a few weeks I will be graduating and joining the real world.

Time really has flown by, it feels like just yesterday I was a freshman walking in the hallway being handed fish necklaces and it’s hard to believe a few months ago I was the one handing out fish necklaces to the freshman. Sophomore year I got my license which I’d say is a big stepping stone. Junior year was a blur and now I’m a senior just trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

Freshman year I probably made one of the best decisions in my life by joining the cross country and track team. The friends I made in cross country and track were some of my first friends here at Bowie and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people. Not only were my teammates great but I had the best coaches in the world. I definitely want to thank coach Gonzales, coach Cuthbertson, and coach Flick for not only being the best coaches but for believing in me and being the best mentors, helping me through the tough times.

Four years later and I still see new faces in the hall whether it be a teacher or a student, in a school filled with more than 3,000 people I don’t even think I’ve met half of them but within these four years I’ve been able to meet some pretty amazing teachers such as Mr. Russell, Mrs.Hebert, and Mrs. Mixon who have all changed my high school experience and I would like to thank each one of them.

As the school year winds down I have made the decision to continue my education this fall at Texas State. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the endless support of my family: My mom the strongest woman I know and someone I aspire to be like when I grow up.