Pals mentor elementary students

Juniors Lauren Do and Michelle Chahda paint posters with other PALS in preparation for Blue Out. Blue Out is a day to bring awareness to child abuse and will be on April 22.
April 13, 2016
Providing elementary school students encouragement, comfort, and a helping hand through difficult paths they may be encountering, the organization PALS, lead by World History teacher Alejandro Garcia, has kept elementary school students smiling for twenty two years.
A PAL’s main goal is to become close with their ‘PALee,” the elementary school student that they are working with, and understanding their current situation and finding a way to help them.
“PALS are most importantly friends and mentors to their PALees,” junior PAL Amy Cox said. “We are not there to scold our PALees or act like a teacher or parent but to listen to them and be someone they can rely on and trust.”
The purpose of PALS is not only to provide a sense of encouragement and motivation for the elementary schoolers, but to allow the juniors and seniors to grasp what the main idea of being a leader and role model is.
“PALS is for the junior and seniors students to understand the basic ropes of what it means to be a mentor,” Garcia said. “They are being a role model to the little kids and their fellow peers.”
The PAL is not the only one doing the teaching and supporting. PALS has opened junior PAL Macy Hartman’s mind to view life from different perspectives.
“Being a PAL this year has really caused me to be very grateful for the things and opportunities I have, as well as changed my perspective on life,” Hartman said. “Talking to my PALees about their situations makes the things I stress over seem very insignificant, which has caused me to worry less about the small things.”
PALS creates so many different opportunities for juniors and seniors to take part in.
“They teach me so many things and brighten my day when I see them, Cox said. “Their creativity and passion inspire me and bring me great joy. Seeing my PALees make more friends and become more confident in themselves has been extremely meaningful to me as they demonstrate strength and motivate me to step out of my comfort zone too.”