A rolled-up piece of cotton might be dispensable to some, but it is hygienically vital for those with a menstrual cycle. But for many Austinites without a home or in unfavorable living conditions, accessing pads, tampons, and panty liners can be difficult. So, for the third year, Bowie has organized a drive in March to collect menstrual products. The Menstrual Packing Party is held at the end of the month to prep the products for distribution.
This annual charitable event was started by English teacher Chrissy Hejny. Her co-worker and English teacher, Kimberly Wiedmyer, has even declared it Hejny’s passion project. According to Hejny, she attended her first menstrual packing party ten years ago and has attended them regularly, inviting her family and friends like Wiedmyer to join her. Hejny described the experience as amazing, with people of all ages coming together to organize menstrual products into individual ziploc packs to be distributed.
“I thought we could do this at Bowie,” Hejny said. “I mean, we have a huge student population and a supportive parent community, so I thought we could start a drive.”
Hejny has stated she found the organization I Support The Girls after meeting their Austin-affiliated director, Zuzana Polakova. After a packing party, the donations go to Polakova for her to distribute. According to their website, I Support The Girls is a national non-profit organization that donates menstrual products and undergarments to people dealing with homelessness, domestic abuse, and cancer; they have made over thirty million donations as of 2015.
“We all know what it’s like not to have what we need sometimes,” Hejny said. “Dropping off the donations for distribution is very rewarding because Polakova is always so thrilled to be getting them because it is so helpful and makes a big difference.”
According to a participant in last year’s Menstrual Packing Party, senior Adele Sprissler, getting to work toward the common goal of getting donations prepared for delivery was a fun experience. Sprissler felt the music blasting from Hejny’s “Girl Power” playlist added to the positive atmosphere of the event.
“The most rewarding part was knowing that women who need period products would receive them, as they can get expensive quickly,” senior Adele Sprissler said. “It’s a great way to get service hours and a fun experience to be a part of.”
Donations are given to people who can not safely attain necessary menstrual products in Austin and abroad. According to Hejny, menstrual packs were given to people in Ukraine in 2022. After the 2024 packing party, menstrual packs were distributed to support un-housed Austinites at a multitude of shelters around Austin and to local homeless advocate Sunrise Church.
“When we’re thinking about ways we can help people who are experiencing homelessness, menstrual products don’t always come to mind, but it’s something that is needed by at least half the population,” English teacher Jacob Morgan said. “As a man, I think it’s important to destigmatize menstrual products in general; there should be no reason for there to be any kind of stigma.”
If you wish to donate pads, tampons, panty liners, wipes, Ziplocs, and/or new underwear, drop-off stations are in rooms A209, E220, B123, and A125 through March 28. According to Hejny, additional information on how to sign up for the March 28 packing party, where students can volunteer, earn service hours, and prepare donations for distribution to Austinites experiencing homelessness, will be available after Spring Break.