It’s that time of the year, runners line up at the starting line with the adrenaline pumping getting ready to push off and run. Emeila Lynn and Lillie Gideon who’ve been doing track for quite some time now are prepared to start this season with confidence.
“This would be my fourth year doing track,” Gideon said. “I feel a difference in myself this year, I feel more excited this year than last year because we’re getting the option to practice after school.”
Track season is starting up again with the first practice meet being at Bowie High School.
“Track starts in January and it ends in April for most runners. If some runners compete well at districts then they continue to move until almost May,” Coach Tilson said.
Runners would be at Bowie practicing in the morning before school or at after school practice.
“Practices are long for our distance kids. They are 6:45-8:30 am and sprinters and field events are 7:15-8:30 am,” Tilson said.
There are many track events so many runners may be doing multiple different things.
“Last year I did the 300 hurdles, 100 hurdles, and towards the end of the year I did the 4 by 4, so this year I think I’m going to the 300 hurdles and the 4 by 4,” Lynn said.

Back in the day, students at Bowie who participated in track are now parents themselves.
“I started track because my dad did track at Bowie and he encouraged me to do it as well to follow his footsteps,” Gideon said.
Feeling unmotivated at times, Lynn shares her reason to stay committed to her running routine.
“I stay motivated to run by thinking about how good it will feel after I’m done and if I have a big accomplishment I just think about that,” Lynn said.
Lynn isn’t the only one who feels unmotivated at times.
“I stay motivated to run by feeling proud of myself, I want to feel that after,” Gideon said.
The season starts with their first practice meet at Bowie, followed by several other meets at other schools.
“The first meet is a practice meet and it is at Bowie. We have multiple meets this year and they are at Burger, Vista Ridge, Lake Travis, and Round Rock,” Tilson said.
Participating in track for many years can lead to numerous achievements. This shows the dedication and hard work that the athletes have.
“My biggest accomplishment in track would be making varsity my freshman year,” Gideon said.
Gideon isn’t the only one achieving remarkable milestones in track.
“My biggest accomplishment was probably getting my PR and when I got second in my race,” Lynn said.
Tilson shares her passion for coaching track, emphasizing her commitment and dedication to creating a positive and encouraging environment for athletics.
“I wanted to coach track because I love having kids be active and successful,” Tilson said. “Since I coach cross country, most if not all my runners do track as well and I have a big bond with them. I look forward to being able to see their success.”