The winner of the 2024 United States presidential election, Donald J. Trump was announced at 11:15 pm on November 8, 2024 by the Associated Press. Trump won with 312 electoral votes, beating his opponent, Kamala Harris, who only obtained 226. The U.S. Vice President-elect J.D. Vance will serve under Trump during his presidency. The inauguration of the 47th U.S. president and vice president is scheduled for January 20, 2025.

“I think all the presidential candidates were very passionate individuals and had their reasons to run for office,” social studies teacher Tyler Larraga said. “They were all very driven when it came down to what the people wanted.”
Trump has expressed some of his main ambitions as president on his campaign website. Emphasizing his plans to deport undocumented immigrants, end inflation, decrease climate regulations, cut taxes for workers, and cut federal funding to any schools pushing “inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content” on the children of America.
“I think Donald Trump’s presidency will further the division of the country,” junior Riley Redmer said. “Trump has continuously called the Democratic Party radical, along with blaming the Biden administration for many problems our country faces, by doing this he is casting an unwanted hatred that causes division in the country.”
On the same day as the presidential election, local elections also took place. Proposition A was approved by voters in the Travis County general election. Proposition A will introduce a 2.5-cent property tax increase that will be applied to fund affordable child care in the county. Proposition A will also help to fund a pay increase for 85% of Austin Independent School District’s staff. This increase will be between 1.4% for newer teachers and 7.3% for more experienced teachers.
“I think Prop A greatly benefits all the teachers here,” Larraga said. “They’re all hardworking individuals who are passionate about education.”
According to KXAN, the tax hike has allotted funding for 1,900 childcare spots for babies and toddlers as well as 3,900 spots for after school and summer care for elementary-age kids in low- income families.
“This is something that will be a huge help to the education system here in Austin ISD,” Larraga said. “I can say I’m thankful and glad it passed.”
In the Texas Senate election, republican Ted Cruz, the incumbent, defeated his opponent, democrat Colin Alred. Cruz received the majority votes at 53.1% with Alred coming in at 44.5%.
“A certain group was assuming that there would be a different outcome of the senator race,” Larraga said. “I was a bit shocked and awakened, however, it is what the people of Texas wanted.”
Cruz has served as the junior U.S. Senator for Texas since 2013. John Cornyn is the senior U.S. Senator for Texas and has served since 2002. A senior senator title is given to whichever senator was elected first. Cornyn, having been in office 11 years longer than Cruz, holds the senior title.
On his campaign website, Cruz explains his plans for Texas after he was elected as his “key wins for Texas.” He plans to expand the Texas economy, grow Texas aviation, secure the southern border, and fight for the veterans in Texas while in office.
“I don’t think Ted Cruz cares about the citizens of Texas,” Redmer said. “He claims he wants to help Texans economically, yet voted against expansion to the child tax credit.”