The bathrooms here at Bowie High School are not satisfying. You would think that with all the amazing opportunities Bowie has to offer, the bathrooms would be equal in quality. Wrong. There are so many reasons why the bathrooms need an update.
I believe that Bowie needs to upgrade their bathrooms. I can guarantee that if I ask other students at Bowie, majority of them would agree with me. When I walk into the bathroom, I see so many problems, two of them being that the bathroom environment isn’t comfortable to use, and the other problem being that some students don’t use the bathroom for the right reasons.

The environment of the bathroom in the academic hall is very bad. Right as you walk in, there’s this sticky feeling in the air. Along with that, the floor is always wet, something is always in the toilets, some stalls don’t have a lock, there’s gross things in the sink, and the structure of the stalls are broken most of the time. In one stall, a door would be missing. In another, a railing is broken. And these are just some of the many issues students encounter in the bathrooms. The bathrooms being in this type of state make it very uncomfortable to use. Students just trying to relieve themselves during class or passing periods do so in a dank environment that makes time spent at school worse.
During the passing period, I’ll go to the bathroom and it’s filled with people smoking, talking to their friends, or they’re just fixing their makeup. This makes the bathroom overly crowded causing the people who need to use it, unable to. By the time they can use the bathroom, the passing period is already over, making them late to class with no excuse that the teacher would accept.
We as students need to start treating the bathroom better and with more respect instead of acting like the bathroom is a place where you can mess around all you want leaving the janitors to clean up after. Bowie should make them better so it’s more comfortable to use.