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The student news site of James Bowie High School

The Dispatch

The student news site of James Bowie High School

The Dispatch

FAFSA delays cause missed chances
FAFSA delays cause missed chances
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Anti-trans rhetoric harms students

Increasing efforts to limit trans rights are placing children in danger
Sophia Sepulveda
A significant percentage of the anti-trans legislation that was enacted in 2023 targeted transgender or gender non-conforming kids as stated by NBC News.

Picture the feeling of going to school in fear, worrying about being bullied and harassed by peers, or constantly being addressed by incorrect pronouns or names. These are only a few of the struggles that transgender students face which are exacerbated by harmful, anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric that is perpetuated by many politicians in the United States.

One recent victim of such hatred was a 16-year-old non-binary student named Nex Benedict, who was targeted and brutally attacked in a school bathroom. They allegedly took their own life the following day. With an increase in trans-phobia and brutality directed towards young individuals, it is clear that this oppressive legislation is not achieving what many claim it is intended to accomplish: keeping kids safe. The Dispatch Editorial Board believes that this harmful rhetoric only puts children in danger, as it causes them to ponder whether life is worth living, and generates hatred that can lead to students physically harming their peers.

According to CNN, a record number of bills targeting LGBTQ+ rights were introduced in 2023. Additionally, homeland security officials have stated that they have witnessed a rise in violence directed towards the queer community, according to an ABC News article. This surge in violence is likely due in large part to the increase in anti-trans legislation being passed.

Furthermore, a significant percentage of the anti-trans legislation that was enacted in 2023 targeted transgender or gender non-conforming kids as stated by NBC News. These bills place restrictions on gender-affirming healthcare, the right to play in school sports, use of pronouns that don’t align with an individual’s sex in schools, and more.

According to the American Psychology Association, bills that target trans rights have contributed to an increase in self-harm and suicide rates among young individuals. This trend demonstrates that these pieces of legislation do not have the best interests of children in mind. They set the precedent that the lives of some kids are of lesser importance, and place a target on the backs of children who fall victim to bigotry and violence solely for existing.

In addition, the reasons that many individuals give to support the stance that these bills keep children safe do not take into account how trans kids and their sense of security may be affected. From the time they are in elementary school, trans kids are told that their identity is entirely made up, that they’re just confused because they don’t fit into one or the other box of the gender binary. Trans children are alienated from their classmates and experience various forms of oppression disguised as policies that preserve childhood innocence.

Finally, many of the legislators pushing for the passage of anti-LGBTQIA+ laws claim these bills protect civil liberties, giving families the freedom to decide whether or not to have certain conversations with their children. That said, this legislation fails to protect the rights and liberties of all children because it systematically attacks the right of trans kids to simply exist. It is not possible to protect the individual freedoms of American families while passing legislation that actively revokes the rights of trans kids and their families to make decisions that are best for them independently.

Anti-trans legislation only trains children to develop hatred directed towards a community of people that will continue to exist, regardless of laws passed that undermine the fundamental freedoms of U.S. citizens. If politicians truly want to safeguard kids, they should repeal bills that promote harmful rhetoric which has played a role in the deaths of numerous innocent children in the United States. Additionally, individuals should educate themselves on this issue to combat the spread of uninformed beliefs that lead to the vilification of an entire community.

Legislation that revokes trans rights is put forth by officials who use fear as a political tool, jeopardizing the lives of children. As stated in an NPR article, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis argued that it was inappropriate to teach young kids they can be anything they want to be ahead of signing the controversial “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Under this onslaught of anti-LGBTQ legislation, the only thing being taught to children is that they won’t be loved or accepted by society due to the aspects of their identity that cannot be changed.

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