Teacher’s: Is their effort paid off?

Ashley Ramirez, Staff Writer

Why can’t teachers be more like the ones in movies? Teachers in Mc Farland, Spare Parts, and Dead Poets Society. Teachers in movies are dedicated, encouraging, and put their student before themselves.  In truth, they work just as hard, spend so much time helping individual students, and do it because they enjoy being a teacher. They just don’t get the same recognition as their movie counterparts. Because we don’t idolize them like movie stars, but we should treat them better than big screen versions.

One of the major problems teachers face is the amount they get paid. Teachers don’t get paid nearly enough for the work they do. The average teacher spends their day educating over 150 kids, creating lesson plans for the week, and spending their personal evenings grading assignments. They deserve more recognition along with a pay increase that accommodates the importance of being a teacher in this day and age. Teachers are rarely praised from the school system and the school for they work for. The only thing teachers are rewarded with is not getting fired.

What many students do not realize is that teachers also often work more than eight hour days. Students now take advantage of the nice teachers and hate and disrespect the strict teachers. Teachers deal with angry parents, asking why their child is failing and blaming it on the teacher. Being a teacher is one of the most time consuming careers there are.

In other countries teacher are highly respected and recognized. The education system in China is different from the education system here, in America. The cultures between China and America are different as well. Teachers in China have the highest level of public respect. While in the United States the public respect is not as great. I believe if teachers were idolized more it wouldn’t be necessary to recognize them every time they did something amazing for one of their classes.  

Teachers really do not need more recognition. They did know getting into a career like teaching was not going to be easy and they would not have someone patting them on the back every time they did something good for their students or school. Teaching does not seem like a career where you are constantly managed from the start of the school day to the end. Yes, the yearly income of educators needs to be raised but there are reasons for teachers not needing the recognition they may want or deserve.

Educators need more respect and recognition it does not have to be every single day throughout the school year but just enough so that teachers are not wanting to come to work , teach, answer questions, grade papers, and encourage students to do better. Teachers work hard to make sure that their students pass and even succeed in their class. Teachers did not join their career to make a lot of money but to do what they love and by writing this it has given me a new respect for teacher and hopefully teachers get the recognition they deserve.