Friday, Football, and Fan stand
Dawgs tackle down every obstacle in their way in order to make it to playoffs
December 3, 2015
Varsity Football :After school practices going till the sun sets preparing for the following game and then the thrill that comes late Friday nights at football games as the crowd goes crazy.
Varsity had their 7th game on Oct. 29 against Lake Travis losing by a score of 44-27. However they won their homecoming game the week before against Hays winning with a score of 38-17 and their first loss was against Westlake by a score of 24-9.
“It wasn’t a bad loss but Westlake has a good team and they just have to keep striving and they will get to playoffs,” freshman Domingo Cervantes said. With playoffs approaching quickly the team has been preparing a great amount.
“With the way they are playing, I think they will be making it to playoffs, they have a great coach,” Cervantes said.
With a record of 5-2 in district the team has only lost to Lake Travis who remains undefeated and Westlake who has a record of 6-1, after losing to Lake Travis. The Dawgs are still fighting for a spot in playoffs.
“The loss against Westlake didn’t affect our playoff chances so we still have an opportunity to win district championships,” coach Glen Lewis said. As the season has progressed the team has make many corrections but they will continue to perfect their plays and learn from previous mistakes game to game.
“I thought we played well but some things didn’t allow us to succeed,” Lewis said.
Winning the game against Hays put the team in a very good position to move on into the playoffs. The team has two more game against Del Valle and Round Rock, which are both home games. Del Valle will be a Thursday game.
“A chemistry between a team in any sport is important, it can severely affect the outcome of any game, it’s important that varsity has a good one,” sophomore John McKenna said.
According to coach Lewis as the seniors approach the end of the season they have been playing very strong and it has a lot to do with the chemistry that they have between each other.
“They absolutely have a great chemistry, they are a bunch of good guys and they all get along very well,” Lewis said.
The team has had several injuries that have taken the player out for the whole season hindering the way they have played.
“We have lost great guys who have helped the team a lot but I don’t think it will greatly affect the overall outcome. Every player on he team has the athletic ability to perform and for that very reason they are on varsity,” McKenna said.

Fan stand: Out on the field every Friday night reporting the football games is junior Maggie Murray.
“I became a ire-porter after Kate Buffler was last year, and I knew that talking to the guys and getting involved with the team, doing the social media between the scores and all that stuff just seemed very fun,” Murray said.
Running around the field filming plays and the players’ thoughts before after and during the game Murray uploads those video to Fan stands very own youtube.
“I love football and I love getting the guys excitement and catching their thoughts and their feelings right after the game,” Murray said.
Filming the players Murray has gotten to know every football player out on the field creating a personal relationship with them.
“Being a Fan stand reporter gets you more on the inside I have made so many friends, that’s also a big reason as to why I wanted to become an ire-porter,” Murray said.
Every school has their own ire-porter therefore Murray only reports Bowie footballs games but has had the chance to meet other ire-porters throughout central Texas.
“Throughout it all I have meet other Fan stand reporters from other schools and we are all like family and in general it’s just been a great experience,” Murray said.
Fan stand had its own talk show that is on air, Fridays 6:30-11 pm on 1370 AM and is updated regularly through their twitter, which is @FridayFanstand.
“We are all in a group message, and Snoop Daniels sends out a message telling us what time we have to be at the game and to interview these kinds of people. It’s all through messaging that is later moved onto twitter and the radio,” Murray said.
The Fan stand motto is “Covering Austin & CenTex HS football like no one else.”
“My favorite part is when the guys get really involved and the guys have fun with me even when they are having a bad game they will run by and throw up the fan stand sign that just makes me appreciated and just shows their sportsmanship. We truly cover football like no one else,” Murray said.
While working her way up to taking over the Bowie football Fan stand coverage she has been around the team for quite awhile.
“I started at the beginning of 7-on-7 season last year getting familiar with everything and everyone and I think it was the beginning of May when I really took over,” Murray said.
Doing this for more than two years Murray sees her self continuing this career to the end of high school but does not see a future career of reporting after that.
“Next year I will for sure do it, but I’m not sure if I’m interested in interview a college football player, I just don’t know if I could go into that profession. But after my senior year I will have to get a little pee wee to take over the next year,” Murray said.