The dress code is a set of rules about what students can and cannot wear to school. The dress code includes information for girl and boy students, but it is different for each group. There are consequences for a student if they wear something the dress code says they should not.
I think that the dress code is unfair against girls. I think this because a boy and girl could wear the exact same outfit or a boy could show too much skin, but a girl could get flagged from the dress code instead of the boy. If one girl wore a halter top, while a boy wore a similar tank top, the girl would be at the principal’s office talking about her outfit, while the boy would go on with a normal day.
I also think the dress code is enforced way too much and sometimes too little. It causes people to feel targeted and like they cannot express themselves through clothing. The dress code shouldn’t be enforced. Students should be able to express themselves through their clothing. I think the dress code is too strict on showing skin, or inappropriate clothing items. While I agree with the inappropriate part, I think that showing too much skin is very overdramatic.
I think my stance is right because many people agree with me. They have experienced dress code violations and gotten in trouble. Another reason is because I’ve talked to many people about the dress code and most of them agreed with my stance, even if they never had a bad outcome. They agree that they thought girls were targeted more than boys. Once they wore the exact same outfit and the results were that the female ended up in the office while the male’s outfit was not commented on once.
Another problem with the dress code is that it’s not very enforced with t-shirts/clothing items containing drugs, guns, or profanity. Wearing clothing items like this creates an uncomfortable situation. No one wants to be around students wearing these types of clothing. But these items are really common.
This is a problem because not only does it create an uncomfortable environment but it also makes it seem like drugs, guns, or profanity are normal and accepted. It exposes people to the images and creates a bad culture.
I talked to many people at school and they also agree that this type of clothing should not be allowed. They agree that the dress code should be enforced for these situations.
One solution for this is laying back on the rules for the dress code, because everyone knows what is wrong/right to wear at school. Also, releasing some new rules for the dress code gives more freedom and allows students to express themselves. Lastly, asking students for their opinions and input would be a good idea too. They may support the dress code more if they can have a say.
I believe the dress code needs to be changed and enforced differently. I think it should apply the same to boys and girls. I think it should be relaxed by showing skin and allowing expression. But, I think it should be enforced for illegal or dangerous types of items so it does not encourage or support violence or drugs.
victoria • Jan 28, 2025 at 9:07 am
period you ate this up.